Looking for a quick and easy solo game that you can pull out when you have a few minutes? Here are our recommendations.
⭐️ Top Picks
Our top recommendations in this category, and games that we personally own to fill this niche.
Summary: Place and overlap city layout cards to meet variable scoring criteria in this 18-card wallet game.
You Might Like If… you enjoy spatial puzzles and want a quick solo experience, but one that has great replay value since the 3 scoring objectives are randomly chosen every game.
👀 Worth a Look
Games we haven’t tried yet ourselves, but we believe could be a good choice in this category.
Grove: A 9 Card Solitaire Game
Summary: Create the most fruitful miniature orchard, but beware of rotten fruit!
You Might Like If… you want a really quick and easy solo game that gives you a fun, casual puzzle to solve.
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